
今週のCN AI(2024年4月19日週)

Dive into this week’s key updates brought to you by the CNAI working group, including a new Kubernetes WG Serving proposal, advancements in AI monitoring with OpenTelemetry, and innovative projects like the Lingo Project and OPEA framework LLM engine. Explore community-driven initiatives such as the CNCF YouTube Summarizer and the evolving Cloud Native AI landscape and more!

今週のCN AI(2024年4月22日)

The Cloud Native AI (CNAI) Working Group had another exciting week! Highlights include discussions with the AI Alliance, exciting new projects, and ongoing initiatives for shaping the cloud native AI landscape.

今週のCN AI(2024年5月3日)

Welcome to this week’s update on Cloud Native AI. We’ve seen exciting contributions that expand our landscape and enhance our collaborative projects. This update covers new developments and how you can actively participate in shaping the future of AI in the cloud-native space.